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1-Hour Lecture: Garden Tools and Equipment

Learn about the top garden tools and equipment for small-scale growers


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Tools & Equipment


Recorded Live in 2023


1-hour LIVE lecture



What you are going to learn

This is a 1-Hour LIVE LECTURE about

The best tools and equipment for start-up and scaling-up your garden or small market garden!

Zach Loeks

Educator, Grower, Designer
Zach is an educator, designer and grower who specializes in Edible Eco-system Design for farms, cities and homesteads. He is the director of the Ecosystem Solution Institute and runs the Institute's online school
Zach manages an award-winning farm with diversified food forest products, heirloom garlic, and a hardy tree nursery. His innovations have won three provincial awards and are featured in his books: The Permaculture Market Garden, The Edible Ecosystem Solution and The Two-wheel Tractor Handbook.
The Institute oversees pathbreaking education sites, including an Edible Biodiversity Conservation Area near Ottawa, Ontario and a suburban food forest in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Zach's thoughts on this class

"It is your dedication that will bring you success, but without good tools you will work too hard for it."

"The tools you need change as you scale-up your garden, you need to evolve with them in your skillful use."

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